
AMD's Flagship E-Series Kabini APU is E1 3110 - 10% Faster than Bobcat - rixroutionce86

Kabini APU

Fudzilla has been providing key details of AMD's upcoming Richland and Kabini APU (Accelerated Processing Units). The latest report from the site suggests that the flagshp E-Series Kabini APU would be the E1 3110, with Kabini APU organism 10 percent faster than Bobcat.

AMD E1 3110 - Flagship E-Serial publication Kabini APU

It was detailed how Kabini would get X series and E series branding with X4 5110 being the flagship X-Series Kabini APU, E1 3110 being the flagship E-Serial publication Kabini APU and E1 2110 being a low power APU. The E-Series chips are built for low-power desktops and AMD is as wel preparing pill and Ultrabook versions of these chips. According to reports, both Kabini APUs are slated for launch in June 2020 whereas yield starts around Mar-April 2020.

The E1 3110 Kabini APU comes with a 15W TDP and features the modish HD 8240G graphics chips. It is thinkable a three-fold-core chip since past Brazos E-series models were Dual-cores also.

Fudzilla as wel provides key details of Public presentation of the Kabini APU in particular which in 10 percent better than Bay lynx computer architecture. The details are actually given off by Jeff Rupley, question of Jaguar development at AMD who is shown in a Q&A video posted below:

Jeff tells in the video that the newfound Kabini APU Panthera onca architecture delivers many than a 10-percent frequency realise compared to Bobcat and IPC performance realize of about 15% with the new core group computer architecture.

Furthermore, AMD has Richland APUs planned for 2020 too which would get the A10-6800K as the flagship APU.


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